Cultivating Well-Being
“Students and staff of DMPS truly flourish when well-being is prioritized. Only in environments where individuals feel safe, supported, and valued can they unlock their fullest potential.”
– Anne Cross, DMEA President
This priority represents our commitment to creating environments where each member of our district feels included, valued, and supported.
We must ensure our schools serve the social and emotional needs of our staff and students through culturally responsive transformative practices. By creating environments centered on the student experience and well-being, our district will be an exemplary environment for our students and staff to thrive.
Strategic Objective #1
Strategic Actions
Provide culturally responsive and trauma informed differentiated professional learning for all staff on student behaviors and restorative practices and healing-centered engagement.
Key Results
100% of staff are trained on the same culturally responsive, trauma-informed, restorative practices.
Strategic Actions
Provide professional learning to all staff to identify implicit bias.
Key Results
100% of staff can identify their own implicit biases and are actively working to remove bias.
Strategic Actions
Continuation of training and practice of I Love U Guys (Standard Response Protocol).
Key Results
100% of students and staff have a collective understanding of the Standard Response Protocol.
Strategic Actions
Educate students around behavior monitoring through co-creation with students.
Key Results
- 100% of students understand behavior expectations and
behaviors that warrant a referral. - 100% of students have agency in behavior outcomes through
restorative practices.
Strategic Objective #2
Strategic Actions
- Increase student access to innovative programming, activities, and athletics beginning at a younger age.
- Provide community partnerships for students to extend volunteering in the community.
- Begin mentorship programs for older and younger students.
- Ensure culturally responsive texts and inclusive curriculum remain present in instruction.
- Implement a Tiered system of support for Transformative Social Emotional Learning through curriculum, instruction, resources, and supports.
Key Results
- Attendance growth as measured by ISPP for all student groups will increase year over year.
- Climate and culture (Panorama) data will show an increase in sense of belonging.
- 100% of buildings have a tiered system of support for Transformative Social Emotional Learning.
Strategic Objective #3
Strategic Actions
- Portrait of a Graduate competencies are developed and
implemented with fidelity. - Professional learning for staff about POG competencies.
- Develop TSEL professional learning communities (PLCs) to
foster peer-to-peer learning among teachers and leaders.
Key Results
- 100% of students and staff understand and implement the
graduate profile and TSEL competencies. - 100% of schools have created peer to peer learning environments
and track the data of the implementation.
Strategic Actions
Creation of a student-led task force for the district to share their reflections on the TSEL and POG and how students can embody it.
Key Results
Students will be able to speak to the resources needed to implement TSEL and POG.
Strategic Objective #4
Strategic Actions
- Highlight the importance of attendance and barriers to overcome.
- Identify the systemic root causes of absences.
- Consult with transportation experts to identify different supports for families with difficult routes to school.
- Continue current attendance protocols for students with low attendance.
- Tier 1 Teams in buildings work towards improving sense of belonging and school climate and culture.
Key Results
- Decrease the percent of chronically absent students from 38.66% to 15% as measured by the ISPP.
- Attendance growth as measured by ISPP for all student groups will increase year over year.
Strategic Objective #5
Strategic Actions
Increase teacher efficacy
Key Results
Increased Teacher Self-Reflection and Educating All Students constructs from the 50th percentile to the 80th percentile as reported on Panorama.
Strategic Actions
“Seen, Heard, and Supported” committee
Key Results
100% of the building teams (SLT’s) are using the protocol.
Strategic Actions
- Meaningful celebrations of staff instructional and job successes.
- Open/trusting/collaborative building teams including all staff.
- Implementation adult transformative TSEL.
Key Results
- Maintain staff retention at 92% or higher.
- Increased staff attendance to a rate of 97%.
- Increase Gallup survey data on “my organization cares about my well-being” from the 54th percentile to the 80th percentile.
The Iowa School Performance Profile is created by the State of Iowa to identify school performance on a variety of criteria including academic performance in reading, math, and science; attendance metrics; post-secondary readiness indicators; and progress toward English Language Proficiency.