Glossary of Terms
9th Grade on Track
The 9th Grade on Track initiative is designed to increase the number of first-time freshmen students who, by the end of their first year of high school, are on track to graduate from high school within four years.
American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFCME)
The American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees is the union and professional organization representing non-supervisory DMPS employees in the following departments: transportation; operations; and food service.
Collaborative Problem-Solving Process (CPSP)
The Collaborative Problem-Solving Process is the continuous improvement process used by DMPS school and district leaders.
Community Partners (CP)
Community Partners are year-round organizations or businesses that provide free services or resources to students and families.
Culturally Responsive Pedagogy
Culturally Responsive Pedagogy is a teaching approach that considers people’s cultural experiences, languages, and identities to make learning more relevant and meaningful.
Digital Literacy
Digital Literacy is the ability to effectively and responsibly use digital tools and technologies, including navigating the internet, evaluating online information and artificial intelligence tools, and understanding digital privacy and security. It empowers individuals to participate fully in the 21st century digital world, enhancing their personal, educational, and professional lives.
Des Moines Education Association (DMEA)
The Des Moines Education Association is the union and professional association representing teachers, educational support professionals, nurses, and certified support staff in the Des Moines Public Schools.
English Language Learner (ELL)
The English Language Learner program provides instruction designed to build proficiency in English language reading, writing, speaking, and listening to students who are not native English speakers.
Executive Cabinet
Led by the superintendent, the DMPS Executive Cabinet is composed of senior leaders responsible for leading and overseeing key operational and instructional functions of the district.
FastBridge assessments are given to students in grades K-8 in the areas of literacy and math. These screening assessments help identify students in need of additional academic support and are used to monitor the progress of students receiving additional support.
Gallup Q12 Employee Engagement Survey
The Gallup Q12 measures various dimensions of employee engagement, including job satisfaction, commitment, and overall morale. By gathering feedback on these areas, organizations can pinpoint strengths and weaknesses in their workplace culture, ultimately driving improvements and enhancing employee retention.
GLEAM™ instruction encompasses the tenets of grade-level, engaging affirming, and meaningful experiences for students. The principles of GLEAM™ draw from learning science and evidence-based, student-centered teaching methods.
High Quality Preschool Framework
The High-Quality Preschool Framework supports the implementation of the Iowa Quality Preschool Program Standards (IQPPS). These standards support early learning experiences that promote the use of research-based practices. The IQPPS criteria combine content from the core areas of early childhood development and learning, cross-cutting curriculum, instruction, and assessment that occurs in early childhood classrooms and settings.
Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU)
In Title III of the Higher Education Act of 1965, Congress officially defined an HBCU as a school of higher learning that was accredited and established before 1964, and whose principal mission was the education of African Americans.
Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP)
A student’s Individual Career and Academic Plan refers to a set of experiences, along with proactive plans, that are designed to prepare students for post- secondary success.
Individualized Education Program (IEP)
An Individualized Education Program is a legal document that outlines a child’s special education needs and how they will be met.
Iowa School Performance Profile (ISPP)
The Iowa School Performance Profile is created by the State of Iowa to identify school performance on a variety of criteria including academic performance in reading, math, and science; attendance metrics; post-secondary readiness indicators; and progress toward English Language Proficiency.
Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress (ISASP)
The Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress is the annual assessment taken by students in grades 3-11 in the areas of reading, math, and science.
Key Result
Key results are the outcomes we will achieve as a result of strategic actions. Key results inform ongoing strategic actions and provide the basis for accountability.
Multilingual Learner (MLL)
A Multilingual Learner is a student who is developing proficiency in multiple languages.
Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS)
A Multi-Tiered System of Support is a framework for supporting the needs of all learners. MTSS processes include using data to make instructional decisions to support student learning in academic and social-emotional-behavioral areas.
National Alliance of Black School Educators (NABSE)
The National Alliance of Black School Educators is devoted to furthering success for the nation’s children – particularly children of African descent.
Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)
Objectives and Key Results are used to define and track progress toward key strategic plan outcomes.
Panorama Student Success
The platform that is utilized by all Iowa school districts to track and monitor student data for students in grades K-12.
Portrait of a Graduate (POG)
The Portrait of a Graduate defines the essential characteristics of a DMPS graduate who is fully prepared for post-secondary success.
Resources are the time, people, and money that are needed to implement the strategic plan.
School Leadership Team (SLT)
Led by the school principal, the School Leadership Team is responsible for continuous school improvement at each school site. Members include representatives from the school staff with diverse roles in the teaching and learning process.
School Links
School Links is an electronic platform that is used to build and track student progress toward completion of the activities within the Individual Career and Academic Plan.
Standard Response Protocol
Standard Response Protocol is a uniform, planned, and practiced response to any incident in a school. It is action-based and organizes tactics for response to weather events, fires, accidents, intruders, and other threats to personal safety.
The Des Moines Public Schools uses the I Love U Guys 2025 Standard Response Protocol to identify five specific actions that can be performed during an incident.
Strategic Action
Strategic actions are the activities that are completed in order to achieve strategic objectives.
Strategic Objective
Strategic objectives are the results we intend to achieve within each of the strategic priorities areas. Strategic objectives can be short term (observable soon after participation); mid-term (can take months or years to observe); or long- term (years after implementation).
Strategic Priority
A strategic priority is a broad area of focus that is reflective of the district’s priority areas as identified in the comprehensive needs assessment. Strategic priorities describe work that requires cross-functional collaboration throughout the district.
Tactical Cabinet
Led by the Executive Cabinet and collectively facilitated by all members, the DMPS Tactical Cabinet is composed of all director-level leaders responsible for the operationalizing day-to-day district functions in service of the DMPS strategic plan.
Transformative Social Emotional Learning (TSEL)
Transformative Social Emotional Learning is a form of social emotional learning where students and adults build strong, respectful, and lasting relationships to engage in co-learning.
Wayfinder is a CASEL SELect Program. As a SELect Program, Wayfinder has been recognized as a highly effective and evidence-based program that supports student outcomes like:
- Improved positive social behavior
- Reduced emotional distress
- Improved student-reported agency
- Improved school climate & connectedness