Series 500 Backup
Policies | Procedures | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Series 500: Student Personnel |
Series 500: Student Personnel | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Series 500
Policy 500
Title: Guiding Principles
The Board of Directors of the Des Moines Independent Community School District is committed to student achievement, and providing a safe learning environment for all students so that they can become prepared for the next stage of their lives. Realizing that schools are diverse communities of students, the Board has established policies relating to the operation of schools to assure that an orderly school organization results, and that the District maintains attendance centers that operate in an effective, efficient and equitable manner for the benefit of our diverse community of students.
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Series 500
Policy 501
Title: Entrance Requirements
Children within the school District’s boundaries will be allowed to enroll in the District’s regular education program beginning at age five. The child must be age five on or prior to September 15 of the current year to participate in the District’s kindergarten program. The child must be age six on or prior to September 15 to begin the first grade of the education program. The District requires evidence of age and residency in the form of a birth certificate or other evidence before the student may enroll in the District’s education program. It is within the discretion of the Superintendent or designee to determine what is satisfactory evidence for proof of age.
Prior to the first day of school, the health and immunization certificates must be provided to administration. Failure to provide this information within the time period set by the Superintendent/designee is reason, according to Iowa law to deny admission to the student.
The Board of Directors shall approve the necessary boundaries and attendance areas for the schools of the District, and assign student to the District’s schools to (a) provide the most effective programs; (b) achieve and maintain the desired minority student enrollment levels; (c) utilize school facilities and resources effectively and efficiently; and (d) avoid overcrowding in school facilities.
The Superintendent shall develop and implement procedures for advanced placements.
Legal Reference: Code of Iowa, sections 139.9, 282.3 (2013)
Adopted: 2014
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Series 500
Policy 502
Title: Student Attendance
The parent, guardian or legal or actual custodian of a child who has reached the age of six or is under sixteen years of age by September 15 of the current school year shall cause the child to attend some public school, an accredited nonpublic school, or competent private instruction in accordance with the provisions of Iowa law.
A child who has reached the age of five by September 15 and who is enrolled in a school district is of compulsory attendance age unless the child’s parent or guardian provides written notice to the school district of the intent to remove the child from enrollment in the district. A child enrolled in the Statewide Voluntary Preschool Program, which serves 4-year-old children, will be considered of compulsory attendance age and subject to compulsory education laws.
Students who are eligible to attend an Iowa public school but who are not legal residents of this District may be admitted to school, at the discretion of the Superintendent/designee, upon application and payment of tuition. The tuition rate shall be the current per pupil cost of the District as computed by the Board Secretary and as authorized by the Iowa Department of Education.
The Board is committed to student achievement, and requires punctuality and regular attendance. Students are required to conform to District and school rules and procedures regarding attendance. These rules and procedures are consistent among grade levels and buildings throughout the District and should be administered in such a manner as to serve the best interests of the students, and to comply with the Code of Iowa.
Legal Reference: Code of Iowa, Chapter 299 (2013)
Adopted: 2014
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Series 500
Policy 503
Title: Student Transportation
In accordance with Iowa law, all students enrolled in an elementary or middle school
(K-8) must live more than two miles from the designated attendance center to be entitled to transportation. Students enrolled in a senior high school (9-12) must live more than three miles from the school designated for attendance to be entitled to transportation.
The Superintendent may present to the Board for approval, a modification to shorten the state distance requirements for transportation that is to be provided for students.
The Board directs the Superintendent to annually review the mileage requirements and routes to ensure the safety of students.
Legal Reference: Code of Iowa, Chapter 285 (2013)
Code of Iowa section 282.18 (2013)
Adopted: 2014
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Series 500
Policy 504
Title: Student Health, Safety and Welfare
The Board directs the District to make every effort to protect, improve, and maintain the physical, emotional, and social well-being of students. This will include minimizing environmental risks in the school setting, and maintaining standards of emergency care to minimize the effects of accidents and illnesses on school premises. Opportunities should be provided in the curricular and co-curricular program to promote sound health practices, taking into consideration the availability of District resources.
The Board recognizes and supports the need for proper health and safety practices. Appropriate personnel shall adhere to medication practices that meet safety standards and comply with current legal mandates. District procedures and practices shall include maintenance of written medication administration records and medication supplies in the original labeled containers.
The Board also recognizes the District’s responsibilities to maintain appropriate procedures to maintain the welfare of students. The Superintendent shall implement appropriate procedures to address items such as mandatory reporting and non-school personnel interviewing students while at school.
Legal Reference: Code of Iowa, Chapter 280 (2013)
Code of Iowa, Chapter 232 (2013)
Adopted: 2014
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Series 500
Policy 505
Title: Student Behavior Expectations and Discipline
The Board, administration and employees expect students to conduct themselves in a manner fitting to their age level and maturity and with respect and consideration for the rights of others. Students, teachers, employees, and visitors are expected to treat each other with respect and courtesy so that all may be safe within the school environment. Inappropriate student conduct may cause material and substantial disruption to the school environment, interfere with the rights of others, or present a threat to the health and safety of students, employees, and visitors on school premises.
The Superintendent shall implement appropriate procedures for students who violate these expectations through handbooks, procedures and regulations.
Legal Reference: Iowa Code Chapter 280 (2013)
Adopted: 2014
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Series 500
Policy 506
Title: Student Complaints
The Board supports the delivery of the education program and services to students free of discrimination on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, gender identity, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, physical attributes, physical or mental ability or disability, ancestry, political party preference, military affiliation, socioeconomic status or familial status. This concept of equal educational opportunity serves as a guide for the Board and employees in making decisions relating to District facilities, employment, selection of educational materials, equipment, curriculum, and regulations affecting students.
The Board requires that the District provide for a student complaint process, which allows students to complete a written and signed statement alleging a violation of Board policy, procedures and regulations, federal and state laws or regulations, or allegations of unlawful discrimination by students or the Districts employees.
Legal Reference: Code of Iowa Chapter 216
Title VI and VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act,
Title IX of the 1972 Education Amendments,
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
American Disabilities Act of 1990
Adopted: 2014
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Series 500
Policy 507
Title: Bullying, Harassment and Hazing Prohibited
The Board directs the Superintendent to implement appropriate procedures and regulations to maintain an academic environment that is free from harassment, including sexual harassment, and bullying. It is a violation of this policy for any student to harass or bully any student, staff member, volunteer, parent or business associate of the District on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, gender, gender identity, age, marital status, sexual orientation, physical attributes, physical or mental ability or disability, ancestry, political party preference, political belief, military affiliation, socioeconomic status, or familial status, or any other trait or characteristic, on or in school property or vehicles, and at any school function or school sponsored activity, regardless of the activity’s location. Harassment and bullying is prohibited by the State of Iowa and this school policy. Violations of this policy or procedure will be cause for disciplinary action up to and including expulsion. The level of discipline for each incident will be determined after considering the severity of the incident and any prior incidents. The Board is committed to providing all students with a safe and civil school environment in which all members of the school community are treated with dignity and respect.
This policy is in effect while students or employees are on property within the jurisdiction of the District, including District owned or chartered vehicles, and while away from school grounds if bullying, harassment, hazing, or any other victimization of students directly affects the good order, efficient management, and welfare of the District.
If, after an investigation, a student is found to be in violation of this policy, the student may be disciplined by appropriate measures, which may include suspension or expulsion. If after an investigation a school employee is found to be in violation of this policy, the employee shall be disciplined by appropriate measures, which may include termination. If, after an investigation, a school volunteer is found to be in violation of this policy, the volunteer shall be subject to appropriate measures which may include exclusion from school grounds.
Legal Reference: Code of Iowa, section 280.28
Code of Iowa, sections 216.9; 280.3 (2013)
281 Iowa Administrative Code 12.3(6)
Adopted: 2014
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Series 500
Policy 508
Title: Weapons
Firearms, other weapons, other dangerous objects, and look-a-likes are prohibited on District property and at school-sponsored activities. The Board of Education believes firearms and other weapons on District property or at school sponsored activities cause material and substantial disruption to the school environment, and present a threat to the health and safety of students, employees and visitors.
Any object which could be used to injure or threaten another person and which has no school-related purpose may be considered a weapon. This includes specifically, but is not limited to, firearms of all types, knives of all types, fireworks, metal pipes, metal knuckles, and explosives. The term “firearm” includes, but is not limited to, any weapon which is designed to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive, the frame or receiver of any such weapon, a muffler or silencer for such a weapon, or any explosive, incendiary or poison gas. An object that serves as a facsimile of a weapon may be considered a weapon in the enforcement of this policy. An object that has a school-related purpose but is used to threaten or inflict injury may also be considered a weapon.
Weapons shall be confiscated from persons who bring them onto District property or to school sponsored activities.
The parents/guardians of a student shall be notified if a student is found in possession of a weapon, or is responsible for bringing a weapon, onto District property or to school sponsored activities. Possession or confiscation of weapons or dangerous objects will be reported to law enforcement officials. The student will be subject to disciplinary action which could include expulsion.
Weapons under the control of law enforcement officials shall be exempt from this policy. The principal may allow authorized persons to display weapons, or unloaded firearms, or other dangerous objects for educational purposes.
Legal Reference: Iowa Code Chapter 724 (2013)
Adopted: 2014
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Series 500
Policy 509
Title: Student Activities
The Board encourages all types of student-produced official school publications, school organizations and other school-sponsored activities that enhance the educational experience for students.
The Superintendent or designee will review and approve student activities as provided for at each attendance center.
Adopted: 2014
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Series 500
Policy 510
Title: Student Records
In compliance with state and federal law, attendance and other official student records will be kept at the school level for each student. Educational records shall remain confidential as required by federal and state law.
The Superintendent or designee shall serve as the records custodian for the District and ensure that all official student records are maintained in secure environments.
Written consent for disclosure of educational records, including both permanent and cumulative information, shall be signed and dated by the parent or student eighteen years of age or older. Permission for release may not be general in nature but shall include a specification of the records to be disclosed, the reasons for such disclosure and names of the party or class of parties to whom such records may be disclosed.
Legal Reference: Code of Iowa, chapter 22
Adopted: 2014
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Series 500
Policy 511
Title: Rights of Custodial and Non-Custodial Parents
The Board recognizes the value of providing information to custodial and non-custodial parents regarding the progress of their child in academic and non-academic areas.
For purposes of this policy, the term “parent” means a parent of student and includes a natural parent, a guardian, or an individual acting as a parent in the absence of a parent or guardian. “Parent” includes custodial and non-custodial parents. The District will presume that the person who enrolls the student in school is the student’s parent, or person acting as a parent for purposes of the student’s education. The term “custodial parent” is defined as the person or persons with primary responsibility for the day-to-day care and control of a student. The term “non-custodial parent” is a person who is a natural parent, an adoptive parent, or guardian who does not presently have primary responsibility for the day-to-day care and control of the student.
It is not the school District’s responsibility to resolve disagreements between custodial and non-custodial parents. The District will obey all court orders relating to custody issues and parental rights. Therefore, the rights afforded parents under this policy may be limited in any individual situation. It shall be the responsibility of a parent requesting any action by the school District relative to the rights of custodial and non-custodial parents to provide the school District with a copy of a court order, decree or other documentation supporting the action requested.
Adopted: 2014
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Series 500
Code 501
Title: Compulsory Attendance
Parents must cause children between the ages of 6 and 16 who are residents of this school district to attend school, when in session, unless they meet one of the conditions of exception as provided in Chapter 299.2, Code of Iowa. In lieu of attendance in one of the district’s public schools, a child may attend an accredited nonpublic school or competent private instruction.
If the instruction is provided in an accredited nonpublic school, the board will consider the program as meeting the compulsory education requirements.
If the instruction is provided in an accredited nonpublic school, the board secretary shall request from the school’s principal a certificate and report in duplicate of the names, ages, and number of days in attendance of each pupil over 6 and under 16, and the course of study pursued by the student.
All reports from accredited nonpublic schools must be submitted within 10 days from receipt of the request.
If parents elect competent private instruction, the district will provide a teaching assistance program. The consulting teacher’s services will include:
- Providing district instructional materials and objectives and evaluating other materials.
- Consulting with and advising the private instructor with respect to lesson plans, educational goals and objectives, teaching and learning techniques, planning, record keeping and other duties as agreed upon.
- Consulting and advising the private instructor with respect to diagnosing student strengths and weaknesses, forms of assessment and evaluation of student learning and interpretation of test results.
All requests for private teaching assistance should be submitted on or before August 1 each year to the Chief Academic Officer.
Revised: January 19, 1993; October 2002; February 10, 2003
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Series 500
Code 502
Title: Entrance Requirements
A student shall not be admitted to kindergarten unless he/she is five years of age on or before the 15th day of September of the current school year, except those identified as needing special education services, who may enter the preschool handicapped program at age 0 through age 7.
A student shall not be admitted to the first grade unless he/she is six years of age on or before the 15th day of September of the current year, except when they are advanced from kindergarten to the first grade as a result of the following process which has been approved by the Iowa Department of Education.
- On the request of the parents, kindergarten children may be evaluated for advance placement. School personnel will recommend advance placement only after the Strategies in Early Childhood Preschool Assessment (WAUPUN) has been made. The school principal may assign a school psychologist to provide additional assessment measures
- A staffing team composed of at least a parent, school principal, and the kindergarten teacher will make a recommendation to the Department of Elementary and Early Childhood Programs for advancing a student to the first grade. Other persons can be included on the staffing team as appropriate.
- Parents may appeal the decision of the staffing team to the board through the Superintendent of Schools. The superintendent will study the staffing team reports and make a recommendation to the board about the placement and the board will take official action.
- Appeal of the board’s decision to the Iowa Department of Education is available under Chapter 290 of the Code of Iowa.
All students, upon entering the Des Moines Independent Community School District shall present a birth certificate or other satisfactory evidence of age.
Revised January 19, 1993; February 10, 2003
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Series 500
Code 503.4
Title: Attendance–Late Enrollment and Transfers
- Late Enrollment
A student who is eligible to attend the Des Moines Public Schools may enroll at the appropriate attendance center up to the end of the fifth (5) school day after classes begin each semester. A student who has not been attending school and wishes to enroll after the end of the fifth (5) school day of the semester must apply to the Department of Student and Family Services. The Executive Director of Student and Family Services will determine the student’s eligibility to attend the Des Moines Public Schools, placement of the student and the conditions under which the student will be enrolled. Special education students must be enrolled in special education classes whenever a parent makes an admission request. - Enrollment of Transfer Students from Outside the Des Moines School District
A student who has been attending school in another district on a regular basis may be enrolled by the administration of the appropriate attendance center without delay by application to the Department of Student and Family Services unless questions of residency need to be resolved before enrollment. These procedures shall not be interpreted to deny enrollment to otherwise eligible homeless persons. - Attendance Officer
The school district’s truant officer will be assisted by the social worker of each school when dealing with violations of this procedure.
Approved: August 16, 1994 Revised: October 2002
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Series 500
Code 505
Title: Nonresidents
Ordinarily, the legal residence of a minor shall be considered the same as that of the parents. Moving a student’s abode for the sole purpose of attending school in the Des Moines school district shall be insufficient evidence of establishment of residency.
Tuition fees for nonresident elementary, middle, and senior high school students from outside the state of Iowa shall be that rate determined each year as approved by the Board of Directors and the State Department of Education as indicated in Chapter 282 of the Code of Iowa.
The district may accept tuition students into special education programs when space is available. Tuition payments shall be made in accordance with the formula established by law. Charge for these services are made on an “actual cost” basis.
Nonresident students, K-12, residing within the state of Iowa, who wish to attend the Des Moines Public Schools, shall follow the district’s open enrollment policy. The district retains the right to place students in the attendance centers to maintain appropriate class size and insure compliance with the district’s desegregation plan.
Foreign students will be enrolled without tuition charge when they are recommended and sponsored by an exchange agency approved by the Council on Standards for International Educational Travel (CSIET) and the U. S. Immigration Office. Students from any of the district’s approved sister cities will also be enrolled without tuition charge; such exchanges will be limited to two students per year from each city, unless approved by the Board of Directors All foreign students, regardless of the sponsoring agency, shall comply with immunization requirements, have demonstrated English proficiency, and provide recommendations attesting to their character and suitability from their school principal, teacher or counselor. American Field Service, etc. programs are on exchange, J-1 status, an exchange program of the U.S. Department of State, and are issued DSP-66 forms rather than I-20 forms. The J-1 exchange high school student is limited to one academic year or less. This status cannot be extended.
The district does not recognize or encourage individual parents who may wish to run their own private exchange plan. District personnel are not authorized to sign the immigration I-20 forms since these require certification as to standards that can be checked only at the source in a foreign country.
Revised January 19, 1993
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Series 500
Code 505.1
Title: Foreign Exchange Student Enrollment
The following guidelines apply for enrolling foreign exchange students in the Des Moines high schools:
- The sponsoring agency will submit the following information by June 10, preceding the enrollment for the following term:
- pertinent academic records;
- proof of immunization as required by the State of Iowa Health Department;
- proof of student proficiency in the English language which is acceptable to the Des Moines high schools;
- appropriate screening of the host family.
- The sponsoring agency will send a copy of health insurance and information of any other arrangements made to meet the emergency needs of the exchange student while attending the Des Moines schools.
- The sponsoring agency should have a local representative who will visit with the principal in advance and also to meet the individual needs of students while in this country.
- Foreign exchange students should have completed at least grade nine.
- Each high school principal will determine the maximum number of students to be enrolled.
- The school district will have the latitude to enroll foreign exchange students in one of the high schools other than the home school of the host family.
- Foreign exchange students are enrolled for one year or less.
Approved October 3, 1989; revised January 19, 1993
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Series 500
Code 507
Title: School Attendance–Student Assignment to Schools
- School Attendance Areas
Each school attendance area is approved by the Board of Directors. Students who reside in a school attendance area are eligible for the services of that school. Exceptions are made for special program needs and for reasons related to school discipline. The Director of Board and Community Relations will maintain a district boundary bulletin. School boundaries will be reviewed annually and boundary change recommendations will be presented to the Board of Directors at a work session in November. - Open Enrollment
Open enrollment approval is for the period of time needed to complete the program of the school. Schools that receive open enrollment students are considered to be the home school (neighborhood school) for these students.
Restrictions are placed on open enrollment transfers that will: 1) create space problems which decrease school program effectiveness; or, 2) increase minority enrollment in identified schools. The Student Services Division will establish application dates for open enrollment and will provide guidelines and application forms. The Executive Director of Elementary and Early Childhood Programs and the Executive Director of Middle and High School Programs will provide all guidelines and application dates.
The Executive Director of Student and Family Services will receive and process application for open enrollment. The Executive Director of Elementary and Early Childhood Programs and the Executive Director of Middle and High School Programs will approve or reject all applications received. - Voluntary Transfer Program
Students who are members of ethnic minority groups and who attend schools where the minority enrollment approaches or exceeds the district’s guidelines on minority enrollment may apply and receive reassignment and transportation to other schools.
The Director of Intercultural Programs will provide guidelines and application forms and will process applications for voluntary transfer assignments. The Executive Director of Elementary and Early Childhood Programs and the Executive Director of Middle and High School Programs will approve voluntary transfer program guidelines. The Director of Intercultural Programs will arrange for transportation services with the Transportation Department. - Special Education Programs
The Executive Director of Student and Family Services will assign special education students to schools offering the most appropriate district programs. - Student Transfers
Department of Student and Family Services will arrange for transfers of Students to a new school when the change is appropriate for the student’s progress in school. - Student Assignment Council and Appeal Panel
When district enrollment policies place hardships on families, the Student Assignment Council and the District Appeal Panel offer provisions for due process.
Parents wishing to seek exception for district enrollment policies and procedures should be referred to the Department of Student Services where they will receive a hearing and a decision about their request.
If parents wish to appeal decisions of the Student Assignment Council, they may request an additional hearing from the Associate Superintendent for Teaching and Learning, who will assemble a panel of two administrators who are not members of the Student Assignment Council to hear parents’ appeals. The associate superintendent may request a summary of previous action from the chairman of the Student Assignment Council. - Late Enrollment–Middle and High Schools
A student who is eligible to attend the Des Moines Independent Community School District, but has not been attending school, will be enrolled by the administration of the appropriate attendance center up to and including the 5th day after classes begin each semester.
A student who has not been attending school and wishes to enroll after the end of the 5th day of the semester must apply to the Department of Student and Family Services.
The Department of Student and Family Services will determine if the student is eligible to attend the Des Moines Independent Community School District, and also determine placement for the student in question and the conditions under which he or she will be enrolled. - School Attendance–Rules
See Board Policy Code 520: Student Discipline
Revised January 19, 1993; October 2002
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Series 500
Code 509
Title: Pupil Transportation
- Distance Eligibility:
Distances will be measured according to Iowa law, on the public roadway, and over the shortest route determined to be safe and passable by the Transportation Department. Distances will be measured by car odometer. - Hazardous Walking Conditions:
Determination will be made by the Transportation Department and may include, but is not limited to, consideration of the following:
- Review by Des Moines Traffic and Transportation Department
- Age of student
- Traffic and traffic control devices
- Roadway surface and adequacy of walkway
- Railroad crossing at grade
- Accident history
Requests for review or determination of eligibility by either of these standards should be made to the transportation supervisor by the principal; determination made by the Transportation Department, and decisions communicated to the principal for further handling.
The Executive Director of Student and Family Services will be advised of the decision made by the Transportation Department.
- Addition of Service:
Requests for initiating late activity, extra-curricular, early morning, or other special transportation service should be directed to the Executive Director of Elementary and Early Childhood Programs or the Executive Director of Middle and High School Programs.Upon request of that executive director, the transportation supervisor will respond as to whether that service can or cannot be provided. If service is possible, a review of the potential impact will be conducted by the Transportation Department and this information discussed with the executive director prior to approval or denial of the request. The executive director will advise the principal of the decision. - Deletion of Service:
When service may need to be discontinued, a review will be made by the Executive Director of Management Services, the Executive Director of Student and Family Services, the Executive Director of Elementary and Early Childhood Programs or the Executive Director of Middle and High School Programs, and the affected principals prior to a decision being made. Advance notice to parents of intent to discontinue will be made as early as feasible, with deletion of services occurring between school years. - Requests for Exceptions:
All requests for exceptions to procedures are to be handled through the principal, who will attach an investigative report and forward to the transportation supervisor. The transportation supervisor will review the report of the principal and prepare a recommendation to be given to the Review Committee. Requests will be reviewed by a committee comprised of the following: the Chief Operations Officer; the Chief Academics Officer; the Executive Director of Elementary and Early Childhood Education; the Executive Director of Middle and High School Programs; the Executive Director of Management Services; and, the Executive Director of Student and Family Services.The transportation supervisor will communicate the committee’s decision to the principal. - Paid Transportation:
- Inquiries are to be directed to the principal of the building where the student is enrolled.
- The principal of the building where the student is enrolled will forward inquiries to the Executive Director of Management Services with the following information:
- Student name
- Student address
- School where student is enrolled
- The Executive Director of Management Services will ascertain if an established route exists and if a pickup and drop-off point can be established along the route (subject to total number of stops and riding time allowed), and if there is space available on the bus. Subject to all conditions being met, the Director of Operations will advise:
- The principal, who will advise the parent or guardian, collect the fee, and forward same to the controller.
- The transportation supervisor, who will implement the request.
- Requests for paid transportation will require a semester commitment on a half-day or a full-day basis to facilitate advanced transportation planning with respect to space available. The pro rata cost of transportation will be collected on a monthly basis in advance. Failure to make payment will exclude the student from ridership.
- Students who pay to ride will not be able to ride if students eligible for free transportation require the space. A refund will be made if transportation cannot be continued for the remaining portion of the period for which payment has been made. This does not apply to a given day-by-day situation where absence is a consideration. A break in normal attendance (moving out of district, extended illness, suspension, etc.) would make the student eligible for reimbursement.
Revised January 19, 1993; October 2002
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Series 500
Code 510
Title: Attendance Records
It shall be the duty of the principal of each building to ensure that adequate attendance records are kept.
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Series 500
Code 513
Title: Student Records
- Access, Maintenance and Release of Student Records
- Every parent or guardian of a student, prospective student, or former student enrolled in the school district, or any student who has attained the age of 18 years, shall have the right to inspect and review official records, files, and data directly related to the student; including all material that is incorporated into the student’s cumulative record folder, intended for school use, or to be available to parties outside the school or school system; and specifically including but not necessarily limited to identifying data, academic work completed, level of achievement (grades, standardized achievement test scores), attendance data, scores on standardized intelligence, aptitude, and psychological tests, interest inventory results, health data, family background information, teacher or counselor ratings or observations, and verified reports of serious or recurrent behavior patterns.Records of files or personal information contained therein of students shall not be released without the prior written consent of parents (or in the case of a student who has attained 18 years of age, the consent of student), other than to school officials, including teachers within the school district who have legitimate educational interests, or to officials of other schools or school systems in which the student intends to enroll.The Department of Student and Family Services shall establish appropriate procedures for the granting of a request by parents (or students who have attained 18 years of age) for access to the student’s school records; and, to classify, maintain, and release student records.
- The Departments of Elementary and Early Childhood Programs and Middle and High School Programs may authorize the release of class rosters to colleges and universities, military organizations, parent-teacher associations, or local organizations, unless the student or guardian disapproves of such release.
- Parents must be permitted the right to have a representative inspect and review the records.
- Fees may not be collected to search and retrieve information.
- Confidentiality is protected at collection, storage, disclosure, and destruction stages.
- Records of Students Transferring To the District
When a student seeks to transfer or has transferred into the district, the Executive Director of Student and Family Services, the appropriate building principal, or the Director’s or principal’s designee will request records from the student’s previous school relating to any suspension or expulsion action taken against the student. Once received, the building principal or principal’s designee shall disclose this information only to those school employees whose duties require them to be involved with the student. Such disclosure shall be accomplished by allowing staff access to review student records in the school’s office area. School employees who may be allowed to access and review student records include persons employed by the district who provide services to the student or school and who may be specifically or generally responsible for supervising the student’s participation at school or in school programs and activities. - Records of Students Transferring From the District
The Executive Director of Student and Family Services or the Director’s designee shall provide an accurate record of any suspension or expulsion action taken against a Des Moines Public Schools student upon the request of a school superintendent, principal, or other school administrator from a district to which the student seeks to transfer or has transferred. Such records shall include those records then available from the student’s last attendance center and those records available from the district’s Department of Student and Family Services.
Revised: October 18, 1994; July 8, 1997
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Series 500
Code 515
Title: Student Directory Information
Annual Notice
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parents and students over 18 years of age (“eligible students”) certain rights with respect to the student’s education records. They are:
- The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the day the District receives a request for access.
Parents or eligible students should submit to the school principal a written request that identifies the record(s) they wish to inspect. The principal will make arrangements for access and notify the parent or eligible student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. - The right to contest placement of a controversial record in the student’s education records.
Parents or eligible students may ask the Des Moines Independent Community School District to amend a record that they believe is inaccurate, misleading or a violation of the student’s right to privacy. They should write the school principal, clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading. If the District decides not to amend the record as requested by the parent or eligible student, the District will notify the parent or eligible student of the decision and advise them of their right to a meeting with a District employee who is not directly interested in the outcome. Additional information regarding the meeting procedures will be provided to the parent or eligible student when they are notified of their right to the meeting. - The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.
One exception which permits disclosure without consent is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the District as an administrator, faculty member, staff member, member of the Board of Directors, or others acting on their behalf who the superintendent has determined to have a legitimate educational interest in obtaining access to information in a student’s education records.
A legitimate educational interest exists when the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility.
Upon request, the District will disclose education records without consent to officials of another school district in which a student seeks or intends to enroll. - The right to inform the District that the parent or eligible student does not want the District’s designated directory information, as defined below, to be released to the public, which may include colleges, universities and military recruiters. To object to the designation and release of certain student records as directory information, the parent or eligible student must notify the principal in writing, prior to September 10 of each school year (or two weeks from the date of enrollment in the District if such enrollment occurs after September 10), of the information not wished to be released. This objection to the release of directory information must be renewed annually.
Directory information means information contained in an education record of a student that would not generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed. The Des Moines Independent Community School District has designated the following student information as directory information:
- Student’s name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address;
- Parent’s name, address and telephone number;
- Date and place of student’s birth;
- Curriculum (major field of study);
- Year in school;
- Participation in recognized organizations, activities and sports;
- Weight and height of members of athletic teams;
- Degrees, awards and honors received;
- The most recent educational institution attended by the student;
- Photographs, audio tapes and videotapes of the student; and
- Date of attendance at the school district (general periods of time during which an individual attended or was enrolled in an educational agency or institution).
Any information not designated by the District as directory information will be considered an educational record under FERPA and may not be released to the public without parental or eligible student consent.
- The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the district to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the office that administers FERPA is:
Family Policy and Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20202-4605 - The District may share information contained in a student’s record with officials of the juvenile justice system if such information will assist in their ability to serve the student.
Directory Information Public Notice
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) requires that the Des Moines Independent Community School District designate as “directory information” any personally identifiable information taken from a student’s educational records prior to making such information available to the public.
The Des Moines Independent Community School District has designated the following information as directory information:
- Student’s name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address;
- Date and place of student’s birth;
- Curriculum (major field of study);
- Year in school;
- Participation in recognized organizations, activities and sports;
- Weight and height of members of athletic teams;
- Degrees, awards and honors received;
- The most recent educational institution attended by the student;
- Photographs of the student; and
- Date of attendance at the school district (general periods of time during which an individual attended or was enrolled in an educational agency or institution).
You as a parent, or eligible student, have the right to refuse the designation or release of any or all of the categories of personally identifiable information as directory information provided that you notify the School District in writing no later than September 10 of the current school year (or within two weeks of the date of enrollment in the District if such enrollment occurs after September 10). If no timely objection or refusal is received by the District, the District will presume that consent is given for the designation and release of the student’s directory information.
Note: Any information not designated by the District as directory information will be considered an educational record under FERPA and may not be released to the public without prior parental or eligible student consent.
Series 500
Code 518
Title: Interviewing Pupils at School by Non-School Personnel
- Interviewing Students by School Resource Officers:
Certain police officers may be assigned by the Des Moines Police Department to serve as School Resource Officers. These officers will be present in the schools and will interact with the students, staff, parents and other visitors to the school. School Resource Officers may interact with students and interview students regarding school-related issues without any prior permission or involvement of other school staff. If School Resource Officers wish to interview students regarding non-school related law enforcement concerns, however, they should follow the process relating to interviewing students at school by police. - Interviewing Students at School by Police:
While the police have a legal right to interview students at school, students have a legal right to refuse to answer any questions if they so desire.
School officials cannot refuse to permit police officers to interview students at school.
If the interview is held at school, an effort shall be made to contact the student’s parent(s) and/or attorney. Prior to the interview, the principal or his/her designee shall explain to the student that police officials would like to interview him/her and that the student can lawfully refuse to answer questions of the police official. The school official shall be present during the interview.
It is preferable to conduct the interview in the home of the student. If contact with the parents prior to the conference cannot be made and the conference must be held at school, the parents must, subsequently, be informed that a conference was held. - Interviews of Students by the Child Protective Agency:
The Department of Human Services is empowered to investigate reports of suspected child abuse. Human Services workers may, in the course of their investigation, deem that it is necessary to talk to the child outside the home. If an authorized Human Services investigator requests to interview an alleged child abuse subject at school, district personnel should cooperate. The following guidelines should be followed:
- Administrators shall cooperate with the investigators by providing confidential access to the child named in the report, and to other children alleged to have relevant information, for the purposes of interviews. The investigators shall determine who shall be present at the interview. The school administrators are under no duty to report the investigation or interview to the child’s parent or guardian. The immunity granted by Section 232.73 applies to such administrators and the school district.
- Administrators will verify that the investigator is authorized by the Child Protective Agency and then cooperate with the investigation as outlined above. A law officer (police, sheriff, or juvenile court officer) may take a child from the school to facilitate the investigation.
- Interviewing Students at School by Attorneys:
Attorneys have no legal right to interview students at school concerning any matter. Principals should refuse to permit these interviews unless written parental permission has been granted. No teacher should discuss privileged information relative to a student’s attendance, academic achievement, intellectual capabilities, or any other privileged or confidential information held by the school or contained in its records without a written request and consent to release such information from a parent having legal custody of the student. - Interviewing Students at School by Estranged Parents:
Caution should be observed in allowing interviews with students by parents with whom the child is not living. In some cases, courts remove parental rights. In these cases, the parent who retains guardianship must agree to the conference before it can be approved. - Interviewing Students at School by Other Persons:
District procedures do not generally permit students to be interviewed by public officials, private detectives, merchants, or other persons without authorization of parents. Principals will use their judgment in making exceptions to this general procedure.
Code of Iowa 232.73
Revised January 19, 1993; April 22, 2003
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Series 500
Code 519
Title: Search by School Staff Relating to Students, Protected Student Areas, Lockers, Desks, and Other School Facilities or Spaces
I. Searches of a student or protected student area.
A. A school official may search an individual student and a protected student area if:
1. The official has reasonable grounds for suspecting that the search will produce evidence that a student has violated or is violating either the law, or a school rule or regulation, or any other reasonable expectation of student conduct, and
2. The search is conducted in a manner which is reasonably related to the objectives of the search and which is not excessively intrusive in light of the age and gender of the student and the nature of the infraction.
B. All searches of students or protected student areas must be reasonably related in scope to the circumstances which gave rise to the need for the search and based upon consideration of relevant factors which include, but are not limited to, the following:
1. The nature of the violation for which the search is being instituted.
2. The age and gender of the student who may be searched, and
3. The objectives to be accomplished by the search.
C. If a student is not or will not be present at the time a search of a protected student area is conducted, the student shall be informed of the search either prior to or as soon as is reasonably practicable after the search is conducted.
II. Inspections of lockers, school desks and other provided spaces.
A. School officials may conduct periodic inspections of all, or a randomly selected number of, school lockers, desks, and other facilities or spaces owned by the school and provided as a courtesy to students. Periodic Inspections of school lockers, desks, or other facilities or spaces owned by the school and provided as a courtesy to a student may be conducted by a drug/contraband sniffing animal
B. The furnishing of a school locker, desk, or other facility or space owned by the school and provided as a courtesy to a student shall not create a protected student area, and shall not give rise to an expectation of privacy on a student’s part with respect to that locker, desk, facility, or space. Allowing a student to use a separate lock on a locker, desk, or other facility or space owned by the school and provided to the student shall not give rise to an expectation of privacy on a student’s part with respect to that locker, desk, facility, or space.
C. Students are permitted to park on school premises as a matter of privilege, not a right and parking provided as a courtesy to students. The interior of a student’s automobile on the school premises may be searched without a search warrant if there is reasonable suspicion that a student has violated or is violating the law, or has illegal, unauthorized, or contraband items contained inside.
D. Each year when school begins, all district schools shall provide written notice to all students and the students’ parents, guardians, or legal custodians, informing them that school officials may conduct periodic inspections of school lockers, desks, and other facilities or spaces owned by the school and provided as a courtesy to students without prior notice. An inspection under this policy shall either occur in the presence of the student whose locker is being inspected or in the presence of at least one other person.
III. Prohibited Searches.
A. School officials shall not conduct a search which involves:
1. A strip search.
2. A body cavity search.
3. The use of a drug/contraband sniffing animal to search a student’s body
4. The search of a student by a school official not of the same sex as the student.
IV. Definitions.
A. “Protected student area” includes, but is not limited to:
1. A student’s body.
2. Clothing worn or carried by a student.
3. A student’s pocketbook, briefcase, duffel bag, book bag, backpack, knapsack, or any other container used by a student for holding or carrying personal belongings of any kind and in the possession or immediate proximity of the student.
B. “School official” means licensed school employees, including but not limited to principals, vice principals, deans of students, teachers, counselors and social workers, and also means unlicensed school employees employed for security or supervision purposes such as campus monitors.
Series 500
Code 520
Title: School Discipline
See Policy Code 520 for a statement of discipline policies and procedures for elementary students and middle and high schools.
Series 500
Code 522
Title: Distribution of Materials
- Introduction
The distribution of materials — solicitations or advertisements — directed to students shall proceed as provided in board policy. The distribution of materials on school-district property should not be construed as school-district endorsement of a product or service. School-district personnel are not authorized to speak on behalf of organizations that are soliciting or advertising. Except for questions regarding school-district responsibilities relating to the distribution of materials, parents or students with questions regarding products or services being solicited or advertised should be directed to the entity on whose behalf the materials are being distributed. - Submission of Requests to Distribute Materials
Individuals or nonprofit organizations from outside the district who want to distribute printed materials to students must complete the Application to Request Distribution of Printed Materials to Students (see Attachment 522.B) and submit it to Board and Community Relations, 901 Walnut Street, Des Moines, IA 50309, at least 15 working days prior to the requested distribution date. A sample of the materials to be distributed must accompany this application.A separate request is required for each distribution. No single distribution is permitted without following these procedures and the corresponding policy and receiving approval from Board and Community Relations and the building principal. No more than two requests per fiscal year will be approved for distribution to a single school by an individual or a nonprofit organization regarding one particular activity, event or special group. - Approval of Requests to Distribute Materials
If any changes in format are required, the contact person will be notified. After the required changes have been made and the materials have been approved, Board and Community Relations will notify the entity by letter. A copy of this letter must accompany each school building’s supply of the materials in order to inform the building principal that the materials have been approved.If the required changes in format are not made, the request will not be approved.Except in extenuating circumstances, decisions regarding distribution shall be made no later than three working days prior to the requested distribution date. - Disclaimer
All materials to be distributed must have the following statement (a disclaimer) printed on or securely attached to each of them in a font that is readable and is the same size as the majority of the other text in the materials:
“This is not a Des Moines Public Schools publication and is being provided as a courtesy to inform you of other community activities and opportunities available.”
- Disclaimers must be separate from other text and must be placed in a conspicuous location.
- Commercial Advertising
Except for advertising at school-district athletic facilities or during athletic events, materials may not contain commercial advertisements. - Production and Distribution of Materials
Production of materials is the responsibility of the entity requesting permission to distribute. Dissemination of materials to school-district buildings is also the responsibility of the solicitor. Upon request, Board and Community Relations will provide enrollment figures for each building. At no time shall school-district resources be used for producing or distributing solicitation or related materials. - Solicitation Involving Non-School-District Activities on School Property
Students are released from school supervision and returned to the care of parents at dismissal time. Non-school-district activities on school property that begin within 60 minutes of dismissal and are promoted using this process require written parental permission for all minors in attendance. Only Student Release Instructions forms (see Attachment 522.A) will be honored. These forms must be produced by the entity requesting permission to distribute materials. Forms that have been signed by the parent must be submitted to the principal’s office at least 24 hours prior to the event. All submitted forms become the property of the school district and are retained by the building principal. - Solicitation in Curricular Materials
Curricular materials shall be selected according to accepted district guidelines. Materials used for educational purposes that contain commercial signs, symbols or other messages should be selected based on their educational value. - Disruption of School Services
Decisions regarding the disruption of school services caused by the receipt and distribution of materials shall be made by the building principal. - Compliance With School-District Policies
Completing the Application to Request Distribution of Printed Materials to Students (see Attachment 522.B) confirms that the entity will comply with the district’s affirmative-action, nondiscrimination and equal-employment-opportunity policies. Entities seeking permission to distribute materials and completing the application form are deemed to be in compliance with the district’s affirmative-action, nondiscrimination and equal-employment-opportunity policies unless:
- The entity discloses information to the contrary.
- A complaint is filed with Board and Community Relations alleging noncompliance.
- Board and Community Relations has reasonable doubt regarding compliance.
- Entities disclosing noncompliance will be deemed ineligible to distribute materials.
If an allegation of noncompliance is received or if there is reason to doubt compliance, the entity will be asked to respond with proof of compliance. Proof of compliance of initial and appellate decisions shall be measured on a case-by-case basis.
A resolution of the question will be made when sufficient information has been received from the entity requesting permission to distribute materials. If conflicting information exists after a response is received, the matter will be referred to a trained, professional arbitrator selected by Board and Community Relations. Any arbitration-service costs will be borne by the entity requesting permission to distribute materials. The decision of the arbitrator will be binding and not subject to appeal.
- Appeals
Entities may appeal a decision related to Policy Code 522 by notifying the Superintendent, 1801 16th Street, Des Moines, IA 50314, in writing within five days of the decision, based on the date on the decision letter. Appeal decisions shall be made and entities shall be notified in writing within 10 working days following the receipt of an appeal.
522.A — Student Release Instructions
I wish to have (Student Name) ___________________________ attend the
meeting at (Meeting Name) (School Name) __________________________
at ____ a.m./p.m. on (Time) (Circle One) (Month Day, Year) ____________.
I understand that this is not a Des Moines Public Schools program nor a Heartland Area Education Agency program and that the Des Moines Public Schools will not be responsible for my child after the close of the school day at _________ p.m. nor during the program. I also understand that the Des Moines Public Schools is not responsible for my child’s transportation home after the program.
Parent Signature
522.B — Application to Request Distribution of Printed Materials to Students
Individuals or nonprofit organizations from outside the district that want to distribute printed materials to students must complete this form and submit it to Board and Community Relations at least 15 working days prior to the requested distribution date. A sample of the materials to be distributed must accompany this application. All materials to be distributed must have the following statement printed on or securely attached to each of them in a font that is readable and the is same size as the majority of the other text in the materials:
This is not a Des Moines Public Schools publication and is being provided as a courtesy to inform you of other community activities and opportunities available.
If any changes in format are required, the contact person will be notified. After the required changes have been made and the materials have been approved, Board and Community Relations will notify the individual or organization by letter. A copy of this letter must accompany each school building’s supply of the materials in order to inform the building principal that the materials have been approved.
Name of the Entity:_______________________________________________
Contact Person for the Application:__________________________________
Telephone Number for the Contact Person:____________________________
Facsimile Number for the Contact Person:____________________________
Purpose of the Entity:_____________________________________________
Is This a Nonprofit Entity? ____YES ____NO
Requested Date for Distribution of Materials to Students:
This entity agrees to follow the applicable policies and procedures of the Des Moines Public Schools:
_______________________________________________________________Signature of Authority
Series 500
Code 525
Title: Health and Safety
The superintendent, with the administrative staff, shall plan and conduct health programs that are conducive to the well being of the children of the district.
- There should be a school health physical examination:
- Prior to entrance into kindergarten;
- Upon entrance to the Des Moines school system from another school system;
- During the third, sixth, and ninth grades.
The health examination should be carried out under the supervision of the family physician with adequate reports being made to the school. Those families who do not have or who are unable to afford the services of a family physician should receive assistance in obtaining a health examinations at an approved clinic. In the absence of such clinics, health examinations for these children could be carried out by a school nurse practitioner.
- Students who become ill or injured at school will be given immediate care in accordance with accepted first-aid practices and procedures. Parents will be notified as soon as possible. If the parent cannot be reached, the school principal will make provision for appropriate health care.
- Prescribed medicines may be administered during the school hours with Parent/Guardian permission when it is necessary to do so. The school nurse, in conjunction with the student’s physician, will determine when this service is necessary. The district will provide staff training to assure that someone in each building is authorized to administer medicine at all times.
- Further specifics for dealing with individual health problems and illnesses are stated in the School District Health Services Manual.
- Some students need special health services to participate in their educational program. These students shall receive special health services concomitant with their educational program. The school nurse shall provide special health services under the auspices of the school. The duties of the school nurse include:
- to participate as a member of the education team;
- to provide health assessment;
- to plan, implement, and evaluate the written individual health plan;
- to plan, implement, and evaluate special emergency health services;
- to serve as liaison and encourage participation and communication with health service agencies and individual providing health care;
- to provide health consultation, counseling, and instruction to the student, the student’s parent, and the staff in cooperation and conjunction with the prescriber;
- to maintain a record of special health services;
- to report unusual circumstances to the prescriber, parent and school administration; and
- to assign, delegate, instruct, provide technical assistance to and supervise qualified designated personnel; and update knowledge and skills to meet special health service needs.
- The record of special health services shall include:
- the student’s name;
- the special health service;
- the prescriber or person authorizing;
- the date and time;
- the signature and title of the person providing the special health service; and
- any unusual circumstances in the provision of such services.
- Prior to the provision of special health services, the following shall be on file:
- a written statement by the prescriber detailing the specific method and schedule of the special health service, when indicated;
- a written statement by the student’s parent requesting the provision of the special health service;
- a written report of the preplanning staffing or meeting of the education team; and
- a written individual health plan.
- The school nurse, in collaboration with the education team, shall determine the special health services to be provided and the qualifications of individuals performing the special health services. The documented rationale shall include the following:
- an analysis and interpretation of the special health service needs, health status stability, complexity of the service, predictability of the service outcome, and risk of improperly performed service;
- the determination that the special health service, task, procedure, or function is part of the person’s job description;
- a review of the designated person’s competence; and
- a determination of initial and ongoing level of supervision required to ensure quality services.
- The school nurse shall supervise the special health services, define the level of supervision, and document the supervision.
- The school nurse shall instruct qualified designated personnel to deliver and perform special health services contained in the individual health plan. Documentation of instruction and periodic updates shall be on file at the school.
Revised November 1, 1994
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Series 500
Code 526
Title: Substance Abuse
Prevention of drug use will be directed toward providing students with educational experiences and information that will enable them to make responsible decisions regarding chemical use. Identification of students who misuse chemical substances requires awareness and observation on the part of staff members who relate to a student on a daily basis.
No student shall possess, consume or be under the influence of an alcoholic beverage on any public school property or while attending any school-related function.
No student shall possess a controlled substance unless such substance was obtained directly from, or pursuant to, a valid prescription or order of a medical practitioner while acting in the course of his/her professional practice.
The use by any student of tobacco or any controlled substance shall be prohibited while such student is on school premises or in attendance or participating in any school-related activity.
No student shall sell an alcoholic beverage, a controlled substance or any tobacco product, while on school property or while participating in any school-related activity.
Revised January 19, 1993
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Series 500
Code 531
Title: Class Gifts to Schools
Approval to spend money on class gifts to schools must be secured from the Executive Director of Elementary and Early Childhood Programs or the Executive Director of Middle and High School Programs upon the recommendation of the building principal as suggested by the class sponsor and class officers.
Revised January 19, 1993
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Series 500
Code 540
Title: School Sponsored Student Organizations
The superintendent, with the aid of staff members, shall determine qualifications for approved student organizations. The formation of secret fraternities and sororities is prohibited.
The following criteria shall be observed to enable the building principal, with the approval of the Executive Director of Middle and High School Programs and/or the Superintendent of Schools, to approve the establishment of student organizations:
- Membership shall not depend on race, creed, color, sex, national origin, religion, disability, or sexual orientation;
- A statement of purpose(s) and constitution must be filed with the building principal; and,
- A bona fide school employee shall be the sponsor for each group.
Revised January 19, 1993
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Series 500
Code 545
Title: Social Events
The following principles apply in regard to social events:
- The school must be in control of the situation if it is to sponsor the event and accept the responsibility for maintaining supervision.
- Every effort should be made to keep students’ costs as low as possible and still provide social events that the students consider attractive and important.
- The event should begin and end at hours considered reasonable by the community and by those who must be on duty to supervise it.
- The list permitted to attend should be restricted to those who can be expected to recognize the authority and responsibility of the school. In most instances, at least one member of each couple should be a member of the class or classes honored at the party. In other words, it should always be a closed occasion not open to the public in general.
Series 500
Code 547
Title: Activities and Events Sponsored by Community/School Associated Groups
The school staff and administration may assist community-based but school-affiliated associated groups. The school may assist by allowing announcements to be made, sale of tickets, accounting of funds through the treasurer, and arranging transportation with a public carrier.
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Series 500
Code 547.1
Title: Fund Raising
- Each school support organization planning to participate in fund raising activities should establish a fund raising committee to work in conjunction with the principal to develop plans for raising and disbursing funds.
- Basic instructional equipment, furniture, and materials should be provided by the district.
- Fund raising activities should be confined to non-instructional time, with the exception of business-related classes where the activity is part of the curriculum. Teacher and administrator time should be kept to a minimum.
- Incentive-based sales should be discouraged with the resulting increased profits going to the school project. When possible, service to the community should be part of the fund raising project.
- The quality of the product and the reputation of the firm should be considered in all fund raising activities.
- Sales of candy should be discouraged. Other more nutritious products should be encouraged.
- All funds raised by school and school-related groups should be audited yearly and a written report filed with the principal’s office for public record.
- No student should be required to participate in a fund raising activity.
- Elementary and middle school students should be allowed to go door-to-door only in their immediate neighborhood and with written permission of their parents. Permission slips must be on file at the school before materials are distributed to the students.
- Major all-school fund raisers should be limited to one per year, not including in-house fund raising projects. In-house projects include such activities as pictures, bake sales, fun nights, garage sales, dinners, etc.
Approved April 2, 1985; revised January 19, 1993
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Series 500
Code 550
Title: Lunch Hour
The principal of each school will define rules and regulations pertaining to the school lunch program.
Series 500
Code 551
Title: Student Fee Waiver and Reduction Procedures
The board recognizes that while certain fees charged students are appropriate and authorized, certain students and their families are not financially able to pay the fees. The school district will grant either full waivers, partial waivers or temporary waivers depending upon the circumstances and the student or student’s parents’ ability to meet the financial criteria.
- Waivers
- Full Waivers – a student will be granted a full waiver of fees charged by the school district if the student or student’s parents meet the financial eligibility criteria for free meals under the Child Nutrition program, Family Investment Program, Supplemental Security Income guidelines, or transportation assistance under open enrollment. Students in foster care are also eligible for full waivers.
- Partial Waivers – a student will be granted a partial waiver of fees charged by the school district if the student or the student’s parents meet the financial eligibility criteria for reduced price meals offered under the Child Nutrition program. The reduction percentage will be 50 percent.
- Temporary Waivers – a student may be eligible for a temporary waiver of fees charged by the district in the event the student’s parents are facing financial difficulty. Temporary waivers may be applied for at any time throughout the school year and shall not extend beyond the end of the school year.
- Application – Parents or students eligible for a fee waiver shall make an application on the form provided by the school district. Applications may be made at any time but must be renewed annually.
- Confidentiality – The school district will treat the application and application process as any other student record and student confidentiality and access provisions will be followed.
- Appeals – Denials of a waiver may be appealed to the building principal. This process will be the same as the free/reduced-price lunch appeal process. The building principal will notify the Department of Food and Nutrition Management of the request for appeal.
- Fines or charges assessed for damage or loss to school property are not fees and will not be waived.
- Notice – the school district will annually notify parents and students of the waiver. The following information will be included in registration materials and printed in the student handbook.Students whose families meet the income guidelines for free and reduced price lunch, the Family Investment Program (FIP), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), transportation assistance under open enrollment, or who are in foster care are eligible to have their student fees waived or partially waived. Students whose families are experiencing a temporary financial difficulty may be eligible for a temporary waiver of student fees. Parents or students who believe they may qualify for temporary financial hardship should contact the bookkeeper or secretary at registration time for a waiver form. This waiver does not carry over from year to year and must be completed annually.When application for any fee waiver is granted, the fee or fees waived under the application are not collectible. This does not apply to temporary waivers.
Approved July 8, 1997
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Series 500
Code 552
Title: Student Parking/Use of Vehicles
Each building principal shall develop appropriate rules and regulations to administer student driving procedures and district-owned parking lots. “Carpooling” is encouraged and students forming car pools may receive special consideration in school-assigned parking lots.
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Series 500
Code 554
Title: Work Permits
In accordance with the provisions of the child labor laws of Iowa, work permits for minor children shall be issued by the Superintendent of Schools or an authorized designee for the following three categories:
- Street trade permit (ages 10-16)
- Work permit (ages 14-15)
- Certificate of age (age 16 and over)
The information required for the issuance of a work permit or certificate of age shall include:
- A written agreement from the employer agreeing to employ the child, with a description of the type of business/industry and the work to be performed.
- Proof of age from a certified copy of a birth certificate or other acceptable document.
A parent or student interested in obtaining a work permit may contact a school counselor or the Department of Student and Family Services to receive an Iowa Employer’s Agreement form that requires information to be completed by the parent and the employer. When the form is completed with the appropriate information and signatures and returned to the school counselor or the Department of Student and Family Services, an Iowa Child Labor form (work permit) will be issued, with copies of the permit provided to the employer, parent, and the Division of Labor. The district official issuing the permit will retain a copy for district records.
The enforcement of the child labor laws shall be the responsibility of the Iowa Commissioner of Labor. Various government officials, including the Superintendent of Schools and the district’s truancy officer, shall cooperate with the commissioner to enforce these laws. This responsibility sets out the authorization to enter, for any purpose of investigation, any place or establishment and to question any person regarding any possible violations of the child labor law agreement.
Any complaint regarding a possible violation shall be made to the county attorney for further investigation and prosecution of the employer and/or parent or guardian of the child.
Revised January 19, 1993
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Series 500
Code 556
Title: Insurance Programs
A student insurance and athletic insurance program may be offered to the students and parents of the district. The purchase of student insurance shall be completely voluntary and no student shall be urged to make such purchase.
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Series 500
Code 557
Title: Individual Student Pictures
Individual student pictures may be taken in elementary and middle schools and in high schools in grades 9, 10 and 11 as arranged by parent or other school groups with the approval of the building principal.
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Series 500
Code 558
Title: Personal Expenses of Students
School principals will implement procedures to assure that no student is denied an educational activity or other school activity for want of materials and/or equipment.
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Series 500
Code 559
Title: Student Expenses for Graduation Exercises
When the principal or a designated representative determines that the cost may preclude a student’s participation in graduation ceremonies, such cost shall be paid by the school district.
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