COVID-19 Recommendations Change at DMPS

With COVID-19 vaccine and boosters now widely available, the federal guidelines on isolation during a COVID-19 infection are expected to become less restrictive within the next several weeks. The State of Iowa guidelines changed this week, impacting childcare and education settings. The following letter from Health Services Supervisor Melissa Abbott explains the changes we are obligated to make at DMPS.

DMPS Families,

On February 19, 2024, Iowa HHS released an updated version of Child Illnesses and Exclusion Criteria for Education and Child Care Settings. It lists influenza, COVID-19, and RSV under a new category entitled Respiratory Illness.

Children with respiratory illness (including COVID) are to remain home until they are fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication AND other symptoms are mild and improving. This approach, which emphasizes staying home when ill, is welcome. It should also be noted that DMPS is obligated to follow the updated public health guidance.

Please contact the school nurse if you have questions or concerns about illness and when your student may return to school. We have also included a COVID-19 Fact Sheet and answers to frequently asked questions below.

Learn more: Iowa Health and Human Services COVID-19 General Public Fact Sheet

Can students return with a cough? Symptoms need to be mild and improving. A cough may linger for quite a while, making it one of the last symptoms to resolve, but it should be improving before return.

Fever is gone but my student still feels very unwell – when can they return? Fever is only one part of the guidance; all other symptoms need to be mild or improving. Please keep your student home until they are feeling better, and symptoms are improving.

Can my student visit grandparents, an aunt in the hospital, or other persons at higher risk while they are sick? It is not recommended – these populations remain at higher risk. Please wait until your student is completely well, approximately 10 days.

What about masking? The updated guidance from Iowa HHS does not require masking for the general public. However, it is a personal choice. A mask should not be used as a substitute for staying home when ill. Some individuals and healthcare settings may continue to use masking as a tool to reduce personal exposure and spread of respiratory illness during high transmission periods.

My student is in isolation right now – when can they return? When they meet the criteria: fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication AND other symptoms are mild and improving.

Thank you for your attention to this important message.

Melissa Abbott
Health Services Supervisor