Hoover’s Mental Health Movement Shows Positive Early Signs
Earlier this year, Hoover High School launched the Hoover Mental Health Movement, a school-wide effort to address concerns and provide greater supports for the health and well-being of their students. It reflects a national discussion about the mental …
Why Declining Enrollment is a Reason to Reimagine Education
This another in a series of articles about the REIMAGINING EDUCATION initiative at Des Moines Public Schools, looking at various aspects of this work, from why it is underway in the first place to how it could improve …
Education Week Reports on Marine Science Program
The Become Here Spotlight: September Staff Recognitions
Nearly 5,000 people work to provide and support a quality education to more than 30,000 students in Des Moines. From school administrators and educators to bus drivers and technology professionals to food and nutrition providers to financial experts, …