FAQs About DMPS and COVID-19
Q: How do I register my new student for school at Des Moines Public Schools?
A: New students are accepted through the DMPS Welcome Center virtually by email and telephone. To learn more about the registration process for new students, click here. Parents of current students can expect a registration link to arrive in their Infinite Campus inbox on July 12, 2021.
Q: How will children who depend on schools for food receive meals this summer?
A: DMPS food and nutrition staff will offer free grab-and-go meals at a variety of locations from 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM weekdays this summer. See a list of locations and hours.
Q: Can anyone have a meal?
A: Our goal is to make sure that no Des Moines child goes hungry in our city, and the United States Department of Agriculture provides the district funding for meals with the understanding that the meals will feed children in need who are ages 1-18. It is up to each family to determine what need looks like during this uncertain time in our world. We appreciate the support of our DMPS community in following these guidelines to help us make sure every hungry child has enough to eat.
Q: Why do the meals distributed at my meal site sometimes look different than the meals a friend is receiving at another site?
A: Meals are now prepared on site, using products in the school kitchens we would have used for school meals. Each school may have a different breakfast or lunch, however, all the meals prepared meet federal and state guidelines.
Q: What if I don’t need meals, but would like to donate to the effort?
A: The district needs assistance with providing meals for students over the weekend. If you would like to contribute toward that effort, please fill out this online donation form.
Checks may also be sent to:
DMPS Food and Nutrition
c/o Jessica Buchheit
2100 Fleur Dr.
Des Moines, IA 50321
Q: How do I talk to my children about COVID-19?
A: The DMPS Counseling Staff has put together a letter offering guidance about how to talk to children about Coronavirus. Read their advice here.