Placement of an ELL Student

The following processes are used to identify and place the appropriate students in the Language Instruction Education Program:

A. Home Language Survey
The Home Language Survey is a standard part of the DMPS enrollment process, and the primary method by which students are identified as potential English learners. The Home Language Survey is required by Iowa law and can be found at Upon completion, the Home Language Survey is stored in both the students’ cumulative folder and ELL Portfolio. (See attachment on Appendix A)

B. State-approved English language proficiency placement assessment
If the Home Language Survey indicates that a language other than English is spoken at home, the student’s English language proficiency is assessed with the Tennessee English Language Proficiency Assessment (TELPA); the state-approved English language proficiency placement assessment.

C. Process to place student in appropriate LIEPs
The process to appropriately assess and place students in the LIEP is explained in this plan through two flowcharts. Please click here to download a PDF showing the process for newly and currently enrolled students.

Currently enrolled students’ parents and families are notified of their continuing LIEP placement within the first 30 calendar days of school by LIEP building staff.

LIEP building staff is responsible for keeping record of parental notifications in students’ ELL Portfolio.

D. Parental forms will be distributed in a language most easily understood
The district will ensure that all appropriate measures are taken to provide documents and interpretation services in a language most easily understood by parents/guardians.

1.  Determination of student eligibility. Parents are notified of the TELPA results through the “Determination of Student Eligibility for Program Placement” form found at If the student qualifies for the LIEP, the student is placed in a program appropriate to his/ her age, prior education and English language proficiency level. The form is signed and dated by parents.  Please see the attachment on Appendix B.

2.  Notification of English language development program placement.

Parents are notified of their student’s English proficiency level test results and the student’s placement in the LIEP using the “Notice of Program Placement” form. This document is kept in the LIEP Portfolio and also sent to the assigned school. Parents have the right to waive or withdraw from the services, if desired.

E.  Process for waiving students from LIEP

1. If parents decide to waive the LIEP service for their child (children), the Welcome Center staff will meet with parents/guardians to discuss recommendations, concerns and potential outcomes of waived services.  All waived LIEP service students will be included in annual language proficiency assessments and reporting.

2. Upon parents’ decision to waive the LIEP service for their child (children), they are asked to sign and date the “Request for the English Language Development Program Withdrawal/Denial of Enrollment” form.  This document is kept in the LIEP Portfolio and sent to the appropriate assigned school. It is also stored in students’ cumulative folder.  Please see attachment on Appendix D.

3. In the event that parents choose to waive their child’s participation in the district LIEP, the student’s academic progress will continue to be monitored. The student will also be included in the annual language proficiency assessments and reporting.

4. When parents decide to withdraw their child (children) from the current LIEP (applicable for current ELL), ELL teacher will send the “Withdrawal/ Denial Services” form home for parents to sign and date.  The Bilingual Community Outreach Worker will follow with a phone call or home visit.  The signed and dated form will be kept in the student’s ELL portfolio at the building.