According to the Iowa High School Athletic Association: “in-person sports and other activities can resume by grade level on the Saturday prior to the school week in which school buildings are open and in-person learning, including learning provided through a hybrid model, is an option available for families who select it.”

Because DMPS high schools will not be compliant with the State’s mandates for in-person learning during a pandemic until Tuesday, November 10, our sports and activities are not being allowed to practice or compete until Saturday, November 7. Unfortunately, this means that the Fall sports season has effectively ended for our boys’ golf, cross country, football, and volleyball teams.

The one bright spot is that DMPS girl swim teams will be able to compete at the regional meets on November 7.

The high school winter sports season begins practice on November 9 and DMPS will be fully participating.

In the meantime, high school student-athletes have been taking the initiative to stay active and organize unofficial events, such as touch football tournaments and swimming time trials, as shared in the photo albums below:

Football Players Hold 7-on-7 Touch Football Tournament
Football Teams Gather for 7 on 7 Tourney

Swimmers Hold Time Trial Event at Wellmark YMCA
Swim Teams Take to the Y

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