Asante Scott and DeVonte Fristo are sophomores at Roosevelt High School and good friends. They’re also budding entrepreneurs who are DIPPIng their Ts (and hoodies, headbands, etc.) into the fashion design waters.

Meet Dippi, avatar of a young man in a hurry, one who sets goals and chases them down; always on the move, looking good, “just runnin’ wit it, 24:7…”

Dippi got his name when Asante and DeVonte, who rhyme as partners just like their names do, were sitting around the kitchen table one night, brainstorming. They couldn’t come up with the right name for what they had in mind.

Lori Scott, Asante’s aunt who, along with her husband James, advises the pair on the ways and means of small business startups, suggested Dippi.


“I’ve always been into fashion and style,” said DeVonte. “I like to look good and with Dippi, we feel like we can make others look good, too.”

Asante was maybe just along for the ride at first, helping out a friend; a football and rugby teammate, but now he’s running with it too.

“Yeah, I see it now,” he said, “I feel it. We are starting something together for ourselves, from scratch.”

Both are on the wait list for the Central Campus Fashion Design & Merchandising program next year, a two-year curriculum they’re getting a jump on already.

They make a model pair of walking, talking mannequins repping the Dippi line of Ts and hoodies in the hallways at school where they’re always on the lookout for orders from classmates, orders they fill out of Aunt Lori’s and Uncle James’s basement – for now.

The two mentors are taking the Dippi line to Las Vegas next month for the semi-annual MAGIC trade show, a mecca for retailers in the fashion biz. If Dippi catches the right eyes, no telling who might be runnin’ wit it by the time the enterprising sophs are seniors.

Want to see more? Visit the Dippi web site for a look at their clothing designs.

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