A Brother’s Memory Inspires a Student’s Philanthropy

Over the past few years, Oak Park student AJ Drake has raised nearly $6,000

Over the past few years, Oak Park student AJ Guthrie has raised nearly $6,000 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society in memory of his brother Drake.

One Friday every month at Oak Park Elementary winds up with a HERO assembly in the school gym. Someone from each classroom is recognized as a student who Helps Everyone Respect Others. They do it up right. There’s thumping, pumping music, a la NBA lineup introductions.

Last Friday included a couple of extra elements that really ended the week on a high note as we turn the corner into springtime and head down the homestretch of the school year.

The winners of Oak Park’s annual essay contest sponsored by the American Legion were also recognized. Fifth graders wrote about what the American flag means to them. This year’s 1st place winner was Jayden Snyder. Second place went to Malachi Ford and third to Melina Modronja.

And then there was AJ Guthrie.

AJ's brother Drake, who passed away in November 2013 of Acute

AJ’s brother Drake, who passed away in November 2013 of Acute Myeloid Leukemia.

Over the last three years, AJ has raised a total of $5,860.22 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, on behalf of Oak Park, in memory of his brother Drake.

“Drake was born September 18th, 2011 and diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia on October 26th, 2012 at just 13 months old,” said Jennifer Guthrie, AJ’s and Drake’s mother. “We spent five months at Blank Children’s Hospital going through chemo treatments, where Drake beat cancer. Unfortunately…his cancer came back and we traveled to Minneapolis for a bone marrow transplant. The high-dose chemo and anti-rejection medications took a toll on Drake. He ended up passing away on November 25th, 2013.”

A.J.’s fundraising in honor and memory of his little brother coincides with Oak Park’s annual participation in the Pennies for Patients fundraiser for LLS. Not only is AJ helping those with blood cancer, but he’s also helping his school. Oak Park earns gift cards to Office Depot and AJ’s class earns pennants. “So he’s helping two different places at the same time,” said Jennifer.

The first year after Drake passed away AJ’s fundraising theme was “Dimes & Dollars.” He solicited donations of rolls of dimes. Last year, he spearheaded a can drive that inundated the Guthrie home with more than $2,500 worth of aluminum nickels. This year his parents staked him to an inventory of candy bars and he sold hundreds of them.

“AJ is one strong kid,” said Jennifer. “He’s been through a heck of a lot for a nine year-old. We’ve had to explain things to him that we never thought possible. We are so proud of him.”

Three cheers for the Guthries and their three sons: AJ, Drake – and Ethan, born four months ago! They have mastered the formula for turning lemons into lemonade. Jennifer says that AJ is thinking of a pancake breakfast for next year’s fundraiser but maybe he ought to consider a lemonade stand. People are gonna be thirsty after they eat those candy bars.

Brother’s Memory Inspires Philanthropy – DMPS-TV News

Photos from Oak Park’s Hero Assembly

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