Roosevelt’s Dillon To Selected for US Army Bowl Band

Roosevelt senior Dillon To

Roosevelt senior Dillon To is one of 125 seniors from across the nation selected for the US Army All-American Bowl marching band.

About 11:00 Monday morning the victory bell on the front lawn of Roosevelt High School’s campus was ringing loud and clear throughout the neighborhood. Each of the school’s recently selected All-State musicians took a whack at the big bell after a recognition assembly in the school gym that featured another student-musician, a tuba player who was notified of his selection to the marching band for the 2016 US Army All-American Bowl on January 9, 2016 in San Antonio, Texas.

Dillon To is one of only 125 high school seniors nationwide, out of thousands who auditioned, to earn an all expenses paid trip that will culminate with the elite marching band performing at halftime of the all-star game that annually features 90 of the nation’s best prep football players.

The US Army conducts a selection tour in advance of the game every year to celebrate all of the selectees and Monday it stopped at Roosevelt to salute Dillon who joined game officials in full dress blue uniform. He is already a Private First Class in the National Guard after completing his basic training in Georgia last summer. Next year Dillon plans to attend Drake University. When he finishes there he will complete his military obligations.

All of which is much to the delight of his mother, Jenny Nguyen, who, along with her sisters and parents came to America from Viet Nam in 1992 when Jenny was 15. After Saigon fell in the last days of the Viet Nam War in 1975 Nguyen’s father, a soldier at the time, was captured and imprisoned by the Viet Cong. Only after his eventual release was the family able to emigrate. Dillon’s interest in military service has been lifelong, according to his proud mother, a testament to the influence his grandfather had on him as Dillon grew up in a three-generation household. Another strong influence on Dillon has been Roosevelt Band Director Treg Marcellus, himself a veteran of the Iowa National Guard for nearly 30 years.

“This is a pretty big deal’” said Roosevelt Principal Kevin Biggs. “This doesn’t happen to too many kids. We’re very proud of Dillon.”

“He’s always been such a good boy,” Nguyen beamed prior to the ceremony honoring her son on Monday. “He promised me he’d go to Drake so I can keep him close to me a little longer.”

Dillon’s future is on double-time forward march. His initial military training will be in the infantry where there’s no place for tubas but that doesn’t mean his tooting days are over. He can study it in college and, since he plans a full military career, there will be ample time for him to find his way into one of the Army’s elite musical ensembles if that becomes his ambition.

For now he stands with the 11 All-State honorees as part of this fall’s distinguished dozen musicians at Roosevelt who represent the finest of the school’s truly fine arts program.

Those selected to participate in the All-State Music Festival at Iowa State University November 19-21 are:

  • Olivia Helton – Violin I
  • Shana Liu – Viola
  • Roan Withers – Bass
  • Claire Peterson – Bassoon
  • Jane Dias – Flute
  • Hannah Lyons – Voice
  • Demarius Fisher – Voice
  • Laura Brightman – Voice
  • Cal Reed – Voice
  • Jack Wahlig – Violin alternate
  • Oskar Kaut – Cello alternate

The festival concert will be shown on Iowa Public Television on Thanksgiving; November 26th, at 7:00 PM and again on Sunday, November 29th at 5:30 PM.

Photos from Roosevelt High School Celebration

Roosevelt’s To Selected for All-American Band – DMPS-TV

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