‘Wax’ Museum Comes to Life at Hillis Elementary

Hillis Wax MuseumHillis Elementary School fifth graders had some pretty stringent guidelines to follow as they were trying to decide who they wanted to be.  This year staff challenged the students to think about who inspires them to be a better person or  someone who inspires them to work hard to overcome obstacles in their  lives.  We also asked them to think about someone who has made an impact on those around them or made our world a better place.

“This helped weed out some popular idols that fifth graders tend to look up to (sorry, Justin Bieber!),” said Tammy Fastenau, who organized the event.

The students chose their inspirational person and set to work learning as much about them as they could.  They read books and took notes and wrote a research report about what they learned.  Once they had become thoroughly familiar with their subject, the task began to “become” that person.  That meant they had to find a costume that they could wear that would reflect the way their person dressed.  They wrote a speech as though they were the actual inspirational person speaking and finally they created a display board to showcase some of the interesting facts and information about their person.

“The students were very excited about the Wax Museum,” Fastenau said.  “They couldn’t wait to share what they learned with others.  I’m not sure who enjoyed our Wax Museum more – the teachers, the parents or the students!”

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