Windsor Elementary Celebrates Math and Literacy

Windsor Elementary shaving cream spellingWindsor Elementary School stayed open late this week to host families and teachers for a fun game night.

Instructional Coach Lynn Bowen said Math and Literacy Night serves a bigger purpose.

“It’s Windsor’s goal to show families that learning can be a fun way to interact with their child,” Bowen said.

Students and their families were invited to join classmates and teachers from 5:30 to 7:00 to play math and literacy games throughout the building.  First graders practiced site words with a game called Popcorn.  Second graders wrote words in shaving cream.  Third graders wrote acrostic poems.

“Students at every grade level were able to play games that helped them practice the appropriate math facts for their grade level,” Bowen said.  At the end of the night, students were allowed to take the games home with them so they could continue the fun.

Bowen said the night was a big success.

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