From 6th Grade to Opera Stage: Merrill Student in Lead Role

Merrill 6th grader Pierce Mansfield plays the lead role in the Metro Opera’s production of “Amahl and the Night Visitors.”

Amahl and the Night Visitors isn’t about the thundering herd loosed on Jordan Creek at the stroke of Black Friday. It’s the Des Moines Metro Opera’s production of a one-act opera about the very first Christmas Eve. Operatic pros from all over are in town to play roles this weekend in the story about the trio of royal wise men en route to a Bethlehem manger with gold, frankincense and myrrh to attend the birth of a special child.

But the star of the show at Hoyt Sherman Place? Merrill 6th grader Pierce Mansfield!

That’s right. Pierce is playing/singing the title character and this morning he and the rest of the cast were putting the finishing touches on the show. Their final dress rehearsal was performed in front of a live audience from five area schools, including Willard and Edmunds elementary schools. Curtain time is 7:30 tonight and there are two performances tomorrow, a matinee at 2:00PM and another evening performance at 7:30.

How did Pierce land the part? Well, he sings in the Heartland Youth Choir and his directors there, Barbara and Tom Sletto, suggested that he audition for Amahl when the Des Moines Metropolitan Opera put out the call. He took their advice, figuring, what the heck, it would be good experience, right?

“I was amazed when I got the part,” he said backstage after this morning’s performance. “I told my friends at school that I was gonna be in the opera and they said, ‘no way!’ I said, ‘Oh yeah!’ They’re coming to see the show this weekend.”

For what it’s worth, the first informal reviews of Pierce’s performance as the poor crippled boy who miraculously gets to throw away his crutch before the curtain falls were raves. When someone polled the Edmunds contingent about how they liked the show they gave it thumbs up by acclamation. When they were asked who was their favorite character the response was unanimous.

“The kid!”

“The little boy!”


Will Amahl have any trouble shifting gears back out of character into the everyday humdrum that was Pierce Mansfield’s life before rehearsals started a couple of months ago?

“I don’t think so,” he said. “I’m sure my family and my friends will be big helps with that.”

Photos of Pierce Mansfield in Amahl and the Night Visitors

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