Studebaker Elementary Begins New Year with R-E-S-P-E-C-T

Teachers lead the Pride Assembly at Studebaker Elementary School.

This morning marked the first Pride Assembly of the 2013-14 school year at Studebaker Elementary. The theme was respect, so no wonder Aretha Franklin was part of the soundtrack mix in the jammed gymnasium. But the audience was joyfully surprised when a flash mob of teachers broke out, dancing and chanting her signature tune like the proctors at a musical spelling bee: R-E-S-P-E-C-T!

It’s fitting that these monthly get-togethers are called pride assemblies since the Studebaker mascot as of this year has changed from Roadrunners to Lions, the king of the jungle that gathers in groups called prides, as the MC, teacher Jeff Wenke, explained to the fresh-scrubbed cubs arrayed on the gym floor in front of him.

This first in the yearlong series was mainly for explanatory purposes so the kids will know how to earn nominations that will be announced every Friday of students who’ve been observed demonstrating each month’s theme. From the pool of nominees contestants will be drawn to compete for prizes in “Minute to Win it” events at the assemblies.

Today the 5th grade teachers vied for a 25 pound watermelon picked fresh this morning from the Studebaker garden to share with their classes. Their objective was to juggle three balloons while standing inside a hula-hoop which seemed like an apt metaphor for what they do day in and day out but was apparently much more difficult, judging by the short duration of the event. Perhaps the task was complicated when the lights went off in the gym, but that did have the special effect of making the balloons glow in the dark.

“It is a great way to motivate students and get them to cheer for one another,” said Principal Brian Crook. “We strongly encourage the audience to cheer them on.” If today was an accurate barometer he won’t have to worry about crowd response.

Fourth grade teacher Andrea Quick is a member of the school’s “Capturing Kids’ Hearts” team that plans the assemblies and in the aftermath of this one she could tell by the eager, engaged faces filing back to class that lots were bagged this morning. “At our next one we’ll emphasize trustworthiness,” she said, still wiping her brow after the flash mob revue. That’s not in Aretha’s repertoire, but Quick’s team knows there’s more than one way to capture a kid’s heart. Trust them, they’ll think of something.

Photos from Studebaker’s Pride Assembly

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