In the event of inclement weather Des Moines Public Schools may do one of four things:

  1. Cancel classes at all schools but administrative and school offices remain open.
  2. Cancel classes at all schools and administrative and school offices are closed.
  3. Dismiss schools two hours early.
  4. Delay the start of school by two hours but administrative and school offices open at regular time.

If the Superintendent issues one of these four notices, this page explains what impact it will have on students, parents and school district employees.


This announcement means the following for students and parents:

  • No classes will be held.
  • No school-related activities.
  • No breakfast or lunch service.
  • All early-childhood and early-childhood special education programs will be closed.
  • No Metro Kids child care programs.
  • No use of school facilities by non-DMPS organizations.

DMPS Employees
This announcement means the following for school district employees:

  • School offices and central administration offices will be open.
  • All 12-month employees will report.
  • Less-than-12-month employees do not report. These employees will be expected to provide service at a later date and their calendar year will be extended an additional day(s). An employee absent on the subsequently scheduled make-up day shall use appropriate leave benefits or will be deducted salary for absence.
  • Food service staff will not report unless instructed to do so by a supervisor. Dismissal time of 12-month Educational Support Professional staff (secretarial/clerical) will be based upon the needs of the facility and will be determined by the employee’s immediate administrative supervisor.  Hourly employees are paid for time worked.  Supervisors can approve unpaid leave for the before-mentioned hourly employees if work and/or appropriate paid leave is not available.
  • All other employees are to remain until dismissed by their administrative supervisor.


This announcement means the following for students, parents, and school district employees:

  • No classes will be held.
  • School offices and administration offices will be closed.
  • No school-related activities.
  • No breakfast or lunch service.
  • All early childhood and early-childhood special education programs will be closed.
  • No Metro Kids child care programs.
  • No use of school facilities by non-DMPS organizations.
  • Less-than-12-month employees will not report. These employees will be expected to provide service at a later date and their calendar year will be extended an additional day(s). An employee absent on the subsequently scheduled make-up day shall use appropriate leave benefits or will be deducted salary for absence.
  • Employees who work 12 months will not report except emergency or essential personnel.
  • Operational, maintenance, and technology employees may be directed to provide service.


This announcement means the following for students and parents:

  • All schools, including early childhood centers, will dismiss two hours earlier than their normal dismissal time.
  • All high school events will take place as scheduled unless mutually agreed upon by the participating schools.
  • All middle school activities are cancelled.
  • Varsity athletic practices and activities will be voluntary.
  • Lunch will be served. Service time may be changed to accommodate building needs.
  • Normal hours will be in effect for morning early-childhood and early-childhood special education programs.
  • No afternoon classes for early-childhood and early-childhood special education programs.
  • No use of school facilities by non-DMPS organizations.
  • Metro Kids after-school child care will not be available following early dismissal.

DMPS Employees
This announcement means the following for school district employees:

  • Teachers will be dismissed when the building is secured.
  • Administration and school offices will remain open. Dismissal time of Educational Support Professional (secretarial/clerical staff/associates/campus monitors/sign language interpreters/bilingual family liasions) will be based upon the needs of the facility and will be determined by the employee’s immediate supervisor. . Hourly employees are paid for time worked. Supervisors can approve unpaid leave for the before-mentioned hourly employees if work and/or appropriate paid leave is not available.
  • All other employees are to remain until dismissed by their administrative supervisor.
  • All staff may request available leave in NovaTime for supervisors to review on a case-by-case basis.


This announcement means the following for students and parents:

  • All schools will begin classes two hours later and dismiss at the regular time.
  • DMPS and DART buses will run routes two hours later.
  • Students should listen for announcements when arriving at school about which class period will begin the school day.
  • Schools providing Breakfast-in-the-Classroom will serve adjusted for the later start time.
  • Lunch will be served at the regular time.
  • All classes will end at the regular time.
  • Morning only early-childhood and early-childhood special education programs will be cancelled.
  • Full-day early-childhood and early-childhood special education programs will be two hours late.
  • A.M. Parochial shuttle buses will be cancelled.
  • All before-school, extracurricular activities will be cancelled.

DMPS Employees
This announcement means the following for DMPS employees:

  • All administrators, 10.5-month administrators, Educational Support Professional (secretarial/clerical staff/associates/campus monitors/sign language interpreters/bilingual family liaisons) will work their regular schedule. Hourly employees are paid for time worked.  Supervisors can approve unpaid leave for the before-mentioned hourly employees if work and/or appropriate paid leave is not available.
  • Teachers, other instructional staff, non-administrative, certified staff and substitutes should report before the 2-hour delay start time. An employee who does not report by the 2-hour delay start time shall use appropriate leave or will be deducted salary for absence.
  • Food service will work their regular schedule.
  • Bus drivers and bus associates will report to work two hours later than normally scheduled.
  • All custodial, facilities, and technology staff will be directed by their supervisors.
  • All specialists will be directed by their supervisors.
  • All staff may request available leave in NOVAtime for supervisors to review on a case-by-case basis.